Just a quick blog (editing all these photos took long enough, and I foolishly had no time for it!) I've just had another weekend at Merchant Square, which is a fantastic venue that could REALLY do with some more footfall (and I think that writing a quick blog about it is going to help?) As well as the market, you also have some fantastic restaurants- I went to Arisaig a few weeks ago for supper with my boyfriend's parents (the soup is AMAZING), and Bar Square (which does awesome chips)- I'm sure that the others are great too. I've emailed these pictures to the marketing department, who I am really really HOPING will post them to their Facebook, as not everyone has Facebook, and it would be great if other people got exposure too, and a more full picture of the market was painted. But ANYWAY, there are all kinds of vendors, I have most of them here, but there are new people almost all the time, so PLEASE pop around and check it out!
Great photos, wanted to be there